Sunday, September 19, 2004

Essential Mac OS X Software

On 43 Folders, there is a post that is collecting a list of essential OS X software. Here is my list:

  • Firefox - The best browser IMHO
  • NewsFire - Great RSS reader
  • Apple Mail
  • Little Snitch - Firewall for outbound connections
  • LaunchBar 4 - Great application launcher
  • Quicksilver - another application launcher
  • GeekTool - Tool to display information on the desktop or in floating windows. Here is my post that has some screen shots of how I use this.
  • Synergy
    - Preference Pane that displays a floating window with current track
    information from iTunes. Also this will allow key commands for
    controlling iTunes.
  • MacGPG - Mac UI interface for gpg security tools
  • Application Enhancer - Tool to allow ape's to modify behavior of Applications
  • TiVo Desktop - Application to allow viewing and playing photos and music from iPhoto and iTunes on a TiVo
  • synergy
    - Tool to allow two or more computers to use the same keyboard and
    mouse. Also this will allow the clipboard to be shared across
    computers. This is a cross platform tool, I use it to use the keyboard
    and mouse on my linux workstation at work with my laptop
  • SubEthaEdit - Great text editor for Mac OS X, with rendezvous support for collaborative editing
  • Alfred - Application that will install different types of modules (Screen savers, browser extensions, ...)
  • MenuMeters - Menu Additions that display disk, memory, network and CPU usage in the menu bar
  • uControl - Preference Pane to remap control keys, and make the track pad behave like a scroll wheel
  • Chicken of the VNC - Great VNC client
  • Speed Download - Download client
  • iPhotoToGallery - export photos from iPhoto directly to Gallery

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