Monday, March 29, 2010

Deleted FriendFeed account

I just deleted my FriendFeed account.  When FriendFeed first came out, it was a great service to aggregate my online activity into a single feed.  I used this feature to aggregate my activity and post it to twitter and facebook.

I never really used the collaborative or social features of FriendFeed, mainly only a small subset of my social circle actually uses FriendFeed.

Now that pretty much any site, that I want to share activity from, supports Facebook or Twitter directly, there is less of a need to use FriendFeed.  In addition, sharing directly with Facebook from each site allows me to specify different permissions for each activity type.  For example, I can have my Netflix activity shared with my friends, and I can have my YouTube activity shared with everyone.  When using FriendFeed, I can only set the permission for all activity that is share via FriendFeed.


  1. What would you use to put WordPress blog posts into twitter -- I suppose there's a WP plugin for this but I haven't looked? That's basically my only use of FF now, other than checking in periodically to see if anything has happened.

  2. The Twitter Tools plugin works very well for posting to Twitter when you make a new post. Though, it doesn't work that well for showing your twitter feed in the sidebar of you blog


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